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How To Hang Wallpaper For Beginners

    How To Hang Wallpaper For Beginners

    Welcome to our beginner’s guide on how to wallpaper a room! Wallpapering can transform the look and feel of any space, giving it a fresh and stylish vibe. Don’t worry if you’ve never wallpapered before – This guide will walk you through the process step by step. So, grab your favourite wallpaper and let’s get started!

    Materials and Equipment

    Before we dive into the wallpapering process, here’s a list of all the materials and equipment you may need:

    WallpaperMeasuring Tape
    Wallpaper PasteUtility Knife
    Wallpaper BrushPasting Brush
    Wallpaper SmootherWallpaper Scissors
    Wall Primer (optional)Wallpaper Steamer
    Drop ClothBucket
    SpongeWallpaper Seam Roller
    Step StoolClean Cloth

    Now that we have everything ready, let’s jump into the step-by-step process.

    Step 1: Prepare the Room

    Preparing the room before wallpapering is crucial for a smooth and successful project. Follow these steps to get your room ready:

    1. Remove Any Furniture Or Items From The Walls – Take down paintings, mirrors, or any other objects hanging on the walls. If there are large pieces of furniture that cannot be moved, push them towards the center of the room and cover them with a drop cloth or plastic sheet to protect them from any paste or debris.

    2. Clear The Walls – Before applying new wallpaper, it’s essential to have a clean surface. If there is existing wallpaper, carefully peel it off or use a wallpaper steamer to loosen it. Remove any loose paint or debris from the walls. Use a scraper or sandpaper to smooth out any rough areas or imperfections on the surface.

    3. Clean The Walls – To ensure a smooth finish, clean the walls with a mild detergent solution or sugar soap. This will remove any dirt, grease, or residue that could affect the adhesion of the wallpaper. Use a sponge or cloth to apply the cleaning solution and gently scrub the walls. Rinse with clean water and allow the walls to dry completely.

    4. Apply A Wall Primer (Optional )- If your walls are porous or have stains, applying a wall primer can improve the adhesion and durability of the wallpaper. Choose a primer suitable for the type of walls you have (e.g., plaster, drywall) and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application. Allow the primer to dry completely before proceeding.

    By taking the time to properly prepare the room, you’ll create an ideal surface for the wallpaper, ensuring better adhesion and a professional-looking result.

    Now that your room is prepped and ready, let’s move on to measuring and cutting the wallpaper.

    Step 2: Measure and Cut the Wallpaper

    Accurate measurements and precise cutting are essential for a seamless and well-fitted wallpaper installation. Here’s how to properly measure and cut your wallpaper:

    1. Measure The Height Of The Wall – Use a measuring tape to determine the height of the wall you’ll be wallpapering. Start from the floor and measure up to the ceiling. It’s important to measure at multiple points along the wall, as ceilings and floors may not always be perfectly level. Take the highest measurement and add a few extra inches (around 2-3 inches) to ensure you have enough wallpaper to work with.

    2. Roll Out The Wallpaper – Find a clean and flat surface, such as a large table or the floor, and roll out the wallpaper with the pattern side facing down. If your wallpaper has a specific pattern or design, make sure you have a clear understanding of how it repeats so you can align it correctly.

    3. Mark The Dimensions – Using the measurements you took in step 1, mark the dimensions on the back of the wallpaper using a pencil. Be precise and ensure the marks are straight and accurately aligned with the pattern, especially if there are intricate designs or motifs.

    4. Cut The Wallpaper – Once you’ve marked the dimensions, carefully cut the wallpaper along the marked lines using a sharp utility knife or wallpaper scissors. It’s important to cut smoothly and maintain a straight edge. Take your time and make sure the cuts are clean and accurate.

    5. Cut Additional Strips – Repeat steps 2-4 for each strip of wallpaper you’ll need to cover the wall. Remember to cut a few extra strips, especially if you’re new to wallpapering or if you anticipate any mistakes or future repairs. Having spare wallpaper strips will save you from running short and ensure a consistent look throughout the room.

    Tip: When cutting the wallpaper, use a straight edge or a ruler as a guide to achieve precise, straight lines. Replace the blade of your utility knife if it starts to dull to ensure clean cuts.

    By measuring accurately and cutting the wallpaper with care, you’ll have perfectly sized strips ready for hanging. Now, let’s move on to applying the wallpaper paste.

    Step 3: Apply Wallpaper Paste

    Properly applying your wallpaper paste ensures strong adhesion and a long-lasting result. Here are the steps to apply the paste correctly:

    1. Read The Instructions – Different wallpaper pastes may have specific mixing and application instructions, so it’s important to read and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Make sure you have the appropriate type of paste for your wallpaper, whether it’s pre-pasted or requires a separate adhesive.

    2. Prepare The Paste – If you need to mix the wallpaper paste, do so according to the instructions provided. Usually, you’ll need to mix the paste with water to achieve the desired consistency. Use a clean bucket and a stirring stick to blend the paste until it’s smooth and free of lumps. Allow the paste to sit for a few minutes to activate.

    3. Start With The First Strip – Lay the first strip of wallpaper on a clean, flat surface with the pattern side down. Using a pasting brush, apply an even layer of wallpaper paste to the back of the strip. Start from the top and work your way down, ensuring the entire surface is covered with paste. Be generous with the paste, but avoid excessive application, as it can make the wallpaper too wet and cause it to lose adhesion.

    4. Fold The Pasted Strip – After applying the paste, carefully fold the top and bottom ends of the strip toward the center, taking care not to crease or damage the wallpaper. This is known as “booking” the wallpaper and allows the paste to activate and penetrate the paper.

    5. Let It Rest – Let the pasted strip rest for the time specified in the wallpaper paste instructions. This resting period allows the paste to fully activate and the wallpaper to become more pliable for easier hanging.

    Tip: If you’re working with pre-pasted wallpaper, follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Pre-pasted wallpaper usually requires soaking the strip in water or activating the adhesive by wetting the back of the strip.

    By applying the wallpaper paste correctly, you ensure strong adhesion and a secure bond between the wallpaper and the wall. Now that the strip is ready, it’s time to hang the wallpaper.

    Step 4: Hang the Wallpaper

    Hanging the wallpaper properly is key to achieving a smooth and professional-looking finish. Read on below for steps on accurately hanging your wallpaper:

    1. Position The First Strip – Unfold the top half of the pasted strip and position it at the top of the wall, leaving a slight overlap at the ceiling. Align the edge of the wallpaper with the plumb line or use a level to ensure it’s perfectly vertical. Gently press the top portion of the strip against the wall, adhering it in place.

    2. Smooth Out The Strip – Using a wallpaper brush or smoother, start from the center of the strip and gently smooth it down towards the edges. Work in outward strokes, ensuring there are no air bubbles or wrinkles. Pay attention to the pattern alignment and adjust if necessary. Smooth out the entire strip, ensuring it’s securely adhered to the wall.

    3. Trim The Excess – Once the strip is smoothed out, use a utility knife or wallpaper scissors to trim the excess at the ceiling and baseboard. Hold the blade against the edge and carefully cut along the line, maintaining a straight and neat cut. Be cautious not to damage the wall or adjacent strips.

    4. Wipe Off Excess Paste – As you work, check for any paste that may have squeezed out from the edges. Use a clean cloth or sponge to wipe off the excess paste immediately. It’s important to remove any paste before it dries to prevent it from leaving stains or affecting the appearance of the wallpaper.

    5. Continue With The Next Strips – Move on to the next strip of wallpaper, ensuring it aligns perfectly with the previous one. Apply paste, fold, and let it rest as you did in step 3. Position the strip next to the previous one, slightly overlapping the edges. Smooth it out, trim the excess, and wipe off any excess paste. Repeat this process for the remaining strips until the wall is fully covered.

    Tip: If you encounter plug sockets, switches, or obstacles on the wall, carefully cut around them using a utility knife or wallpaper scissors. Make precise cuts to ensure a clean and professional-looking finish.

    By following these steps, you’ll hang the wallpaper accurately and achieve a beautifully decorated wall. Now, let’s move on to the next step: continuing the wallpapering process.

    Step 5: Continue Wallpapering

    Continue this wallpapering process to ensure a seamless and cohesive look across the entire wall. Follow these steps to maintain pattern alignment and achieve a professional finish:

    1. Align The Pattern – When hanging the subsequent strips of wallpaper, pay attention to the pattern alignment. Match the pattern of each strip with the previous one, ensuring a seamless continuation. Take extra care with intricate designs or motifs to maintain a cohesive look.

    2. Overlap The Edges – When positioning the next strip, slightly overlap the edges with the previous strip. This overlap helps create a seamless appearance and prevents any gaps or visible seams. Be careful not to overlap too much, as it may create visible bulges or unevenness.

    3. Smooth Out The Strip – Use a wallpaper brush or smoother to smooth out each subsequent strip, starting from the center and working towards the edges. Smooth out any air bubbles or wrinkles, ensuring a flat and even surface. Take your time and be thorough to achieve a professional result.

    4. Trim And Wipe Off Excess Paste – Trim the excess wallpaper at the ceiling and skirting using a utility knife or wallpaper scissors. Maintain straight and clean cuts. After trimming, use a clean cloth or sponge to wipe off any excess paste that may have squeezed out from the edges. It’s important to keep the surface clean and free from dried paste residue.

    5. Repeat The Process – Continue applying paste, booking, hanging, smoothing, trimming, and wiping off excess paste for each subsequent strip of wallpaper. Take your time and maintain pattern alignment as you work your way across the wall. Step back occasionally to ensure the overall look is consistent and visually appealing.

    Tip: As you work, use a level or plumb line to check that each strip is hung straight and vertically aligned. This will help maintain a professional finish throughout the entire wallpapered area.

    By following these steps, you’ll be able to continue wallpapering with precision and achieve a seamless and well-executed result. Now, let’s move on to the final step: adding the finishing touches.

    Step 6: Finishing Touches

    Completing the finishing touches will ensure that your wallpapered room looks polished and flawless. Here are the last few bits to add those final details:

    1. Seam Roller – After all the wallpaper strips are hung, use a wallpaper seam roller to go over the seams. Apply gentle pressure along the seams to flatten them and ensure they are well-adhered to the wall. This step helps create a seamless and professional finish.

    2. Check For Air Bubbles – Inspect the wallpapered surface for any air bubbles that may have formed during the hanging process. If you find any, use a smoothing tool or your hand to carefully press them out towards the edges. Work gently and methodically to eliminate all air bubbles.

    3. Smoothing Tool – Use a smoothing tool to go over the entire wallpapered surface, ensuring it is uniformly smooth and free of imperfections. Pay attention to the edges, corners, and any intricate areas where air bubbles or wrinkles may be more likely to occur. Smooth them out for a clean and polished appearance.

    4. Allow Drying Time – Once all the wallpaper is hung and smoothed, allow sufficient time for it to dry completely. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific type of wallpaper and paste you used. This drying period ensures that the wallpaper sets and adheres properly to the wall.

    5. Clean Up – Clean your tools and work area. Dispose of any leftover wallpaper scraps and empty paste containers appropriately. Wipe down any surfaces that may have accumulated paste or debris during the wallpapering process.

    With these finishing touches, your wallpapered room will look professional and will be ready to be enjoyed. Take a step back and admire the transformation you’ve achieved!


    Congratulations! You have successfully wallpapered your room and transformed its appearance. Enjoy your newly decorated space!

    Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be discouraged if your first attempt isn’t flawless.

    Here is a great video from Wickes that really goes into detail on the process:

    If wallpaper isn’t what you’re after, why not check out our guide on painting? – How To Paint A Room Like A Pro

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